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Learn more about the history of the Mission District and our waterways as part of the TREAT PAST PRESENT FUTURE exhibit in Treat Plaza.

Treat Plaza and the larger Northern area of the Mission District are at the front lines of climate change in San Francisco – this low lying “Folsom” area of the neighborhood is the first area to flood with annual heavy winter rains. This makes it a target for City and State investment in large projects to prevent future flooding.

Before Treat Plaza, the natural waterway of Mission Creek was here – flowing from Twin Peaks to the San Francisco Bay – and it will return again when we are gone. This project recognizes the ground we inhabit and its historic waterways. It shares the corridor’s human-made evolution from “plank road” to “Mission Death Swap,” to railways and, eventually, streets, parking lots, and this very plaza.

“Treat: Past Present Future” proposes to share the rich history of Treat Plaza and elicit community feedback about the wider Treat corridor's future through the creation of high-quality outdoor displays featured in a series of weekly public engagement sessions with on-site staffing during peak foot traffic times. This project brings the community together to start a public conversation about the future of Treat Plaza and the wider Mission District in the context of climate change.

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